Monday, October 08, 2007

Things that "I have to do" and that "I actually want to do"

Things that "I actually want to do"
  1. Regular Exercise for fitness and improve my spirituality
  2. Travel a lot around the globe along with loved ones
  3. Go for Adventure Trips
  4. Experimentation with Interior Decoration/Rearrangements and Food as well
  5. Socializing, watching movies
  6. Reading, writing (as per my POV) philosophical articles
  7. Hacking Technology and keeping pace with fastest growing technology
  8. Be A Solution Provider
  9. Be A Researcher in "System Analysis and Design", "Informatics", "Human Computer Interactions", "Information Systems"
  10. Only teaching (no laborious work)

Things that "I have to do"
  1. Teaching with laborious work of paper correction, mark listing, and what not :D
  2. Computer Programming and Documentation
  3. Dealing with difficult people, situation, politics and yet keeping myself cool
  4. Prepare my work report quite often
  5. Answer stupid queries without getting irritated

will be back soon with few more... ;-)


Sunday, October 07, 2007

My Spirituality (???)

Going through personal and professional crisis since last few months, inspite of having that I am feeling so peaceful, stable and deterministic towards the issues by visualizing positive side of it !

I Still Wonder, Am I Getting Spiritual Now A Days ???

Thanks to all who made this possible for me :-)
